
在进入正文之前,我们有一个注意事项需要分享。颇为重要的是,进展到2022年8月8日(今天),世界上的许多地区已经解除了Covid对音乐现场的限制,所以海外大部分的DJ/制作人已经恢复了日常的音乐制作及DJ Set线下巡演工作。

图片来自艾尼路视频表情包 图片版权属于原主


图片来自表情包 图片版权属于原主

那么在海外解除Covid限制(锐舞派对的、音乐节的、艺人国际往来的)后,谁才是DJ Mag百大DJ排行榜中的巡演新赢家?答案可能不止一个。但笔者认为最具代表性的人物之一,必将包括超新星Plastik Funk(塑料放克),四舍五入等于舞曲新·百大榜·巡演王。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

Plastik Funk起初是一个DJ、制作人双人组,由Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo和Mikio Gruschinske组成,现为Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo的个人项目。Plastik Funk在其职业生涯中制作过Hip-Hop、House、新学院Funk、(非字面)EDM等类型的跳舞音乐,其中多首成为榜单热曲。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo是一个西班牙人,但在德国长大,所以当我们问起Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo的国籍或“来自地区”时会得到不同的答案。尽管笔者已经关注Plastik Funk的Instagram(IG)和Twitter(推特)有一段时间了,但不得不承认,2022年才是Plastik Funk“迅猛发育”的质变转折点。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

2021年Plastik Funk与DJ Mag百大DJ榜单的采访中提到他接下来一段时间有超过60场全球巡演计划,从那个时候开始,他的个人巡演贴上了该榜单的Logo;2022年夏季Plastik Funk的行程更是充分体现了“不是在演出,就是在演出的路上”这句老话的价值。于是,我们通过一些渠道联系了Plastik Funk,并对他发起了一次中国特别采访!

图片来自DJ Mag百大DJ 图片版权属于原主

⒈你好Plastik Funk!你还记得你上次来中国的时候发生了什么有趣的事情吗?(Do you remember your last time in China, anything interesting happened?)

我上次的中国巡演在2020年1月。那是一次体验很棒的巡演,在中国的许多城市落地。但也是从这个时候起,我们逐渐听说了Covid病毒(尤其是第一批Covid)蔓延开至全世界的消息。(My last time I was touring in China was January 2020. It was an amazing tour with many shows all around china. But it was also the time when we heard more and more about COVID and the First Covid cases around the world.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒉在那次中国巡演的时候你Zui爱什么食物?以及你Zui想念的演出城市是哪里?(What’s your favorite food when you were touring in China, which city do you miss the most?)

我爱上了北京烤鸭,太好吃了!!!我在中国的许多城市都演出过,但我觉得给我留下了Zui大印象、联系以及我与大多数朋友相处Zui久的地方是北京,所以我Zui想念的地方应该就是北京。(I just love Beijing Duck in Beijing, it’s so good!!! And I many cities in china, but I think my strongest connection, the city where I spent the most time with most of my Chinese friends and partners is Beijing. So I’m defenetly missing Beijing a lot.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒊据我(笔者个人)所了解,你的音乐在Revealed、Spinnin'、FHM等一流厂牌都发布过。你可以推荐一下你在各个厂牌发布的代表作吗?(You’ve been releasing so many bangers on big labels such as Revealed/Spinnin/FHM etc. Could you recommend one song on each label that represents you the most?)


我个人认为的三首代表作分别是在Spinnin'发布的《Nervo & Plastik Funk ft. Tim Morrison - Dare Me》;在Revealed发布的《Plastik Funk & Esox - Can’t Help It》;在FHM发布的《Plastik Funk & Greg Dela - Magnets》

(I’m feeling blessed that my music gets signed by some of the best labels in the world and it makes me so happy to see the massive support of my music.
3 songs which represent the Plastik Funk sound:
- Spinnin: Nervo & Plastik Funk ft Tim Morrison - “dare me”
- Revealed: Plastik Funk & Esox - “Can’t help it”
- FHM: Plastik Funk & Greg dela - “Magnets”)

Dare Me
Funk Master
Can't Help It
Plastik Funk;ESOX
Plastik Funk;Greg Dela;Nazzereene

⒋Zui近几个月你一直在环球巡演,有什么事情让你印象颇为深刻吗?(You’ve been touring around the world for the past few months, is there anything or anywhere impressed you?)

自从Covid Yi Qing在部分地区解禁之后发生以来一切都变得十分特别!我的演出开始出现惊人的观众数量。人们为自己回归音乐节现场而感到兴奋,他们开始庆祝自己能够重新聚在线下玩耍,这使派对有了更加特别的氛围!!!(The time after COVID is super special! I’m impressed to see the amazing energy at all my shows. People are so happy to be back at festivals and to be able to hang out all together again, which gives every party a special vibe!!!)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒌现在中国出现了很多冉冉升起的制作人之星,未来你有打算与某一位中国制作人合作吗?(There are a lot of rising Chinese producers, would you like to collab with someone in the future?)

是的,这里出现了很多才华横溢的DJ兼制作人们。在过去几年,我经常在中国巡演,而且还在One Third俱乐部驻场过,所以我认识了很多中国的DJ朋友。现在我正在与两名中国艺人合作。把中国的人才带到世界去是非常重要的。我一直也在鼓励我的中国艺人朋友们,跟我把演出带到欧洲去。一段时间之后我会官宣我与中国艺人的合作事项。(Yes there is many really talented DJs & Producers. I have many Chinese DJ friends from my tours the last years and especially because of my residency at one third. I have 2 collabs with Chinese artists in the making. It’s important to show the world the amazing talents from china. I always tried to support my Chinese artist friends and I’m happy I was able to bring some of them also to Europe for some nice shows. Will announce my collabs with the Chinese artists very soon.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒍不知不觉之间,我们已经结束了2022年一半的时光。就目前为止,你感觉今年怎么样?且今年我们对你的音乐还能有多大的期望空间?(We're halfway through the year, how do you feel about this year so far? How much more music are we expecting from you this year?)

今年真的是很棒的一年!!!(因为海外许多国家、地区已经解禁的原因)我在今年度过了Zui为繁忙和疯狂的夏天。现在的我得以在非常多的音乐节和夏季场地演出。仅在今年7月我们(团队)就有超过23场表演,八月也会像七月一样行程满满。(This year is absolutely amazing!!! I think it’s one of my craziest and busiest summers ever. Playing so many festivals and summer destinations. We did 23 shows only in July and August will be like this too.)

音乐(制作)方面嘛,今年大家也可以继续期待!我已经准备好了几首新曲目,现在(加起来)都已经可以合并成两张专辑了。所以接下来,每个月至少会发布一首新的单曲,八月份至少会发布两首单曲。You can expect a looooot of more music from me this year! I have so many tracks ready, I could do 2 albums right now. So it will be at least 1 real ease every month, in august I’m releasing actually 2 tracks.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒎你有什么想跟中国乐迷粉丝、电音爱好者们说的话吗?(Would you like to say something to fans in China? )

我非常想念我的中国粉丝、观众,现在我已经两年没有去中国演出了,我迫不及待地想再次“回”到中国与你们共同缔造一场又一场伟大的表演!!!你们的每次支持都给予了我的惊喜(和鼓励),谢谢你们喜爱我的音乐作品,也非常感谢、期望你们能够在DJ Mag(百大DJ)榜单上为我投上一票。(I miss my Chinese fans so much, it’s been 2 years now and I can’t wait to come back to have great shows with all of you again!!! Your support is amazing, thanks for all the love I’m getting for my music and also thank you so much for all the Votes for the DJ Mag list.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

在成为新一任“DJ Mag百大DJ巡演赢家”的同时,Plastik Funk还进驻了国内的多个社交媒体、流媒体平台。现在,我们可以到下列“坐标”收听他的音乐、留意他的演出并关注他!

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主


文章日期:2022-08-08 20:00


在进入正文之前,我们有一个注意事项需要分享。颇为重要的是,进展到2022年8月8日(今天),世界上的许多地区已经解除了Covid对音乐现场的限制,所以海外大部分的DJ/制作人已经恢复了日常的音乐制作及DJ Set线下巡演工作。

图片来自艾尼路视频表情包 图片版权属于原主


图片来自表情包 图片版权属于原主

那么在海外解除Covid限制(锐舞派对的、音乐节的、艺人国际往来的)后,谁才是DJ Mag百大DJ排行榜中的巡演新赢家?答案可能不止一个。但笔者认为最具代表性的人物之一,必将包括超新星Plastik Funk(塑料放克),四舍五入等于舞曲新·百大榜·巡演王。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

Plastik Funk起初是一个DJ、制作人双人组,由Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo和Mikio Gruschinske组成,现为Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo的个人项目。Plastik Funk在其职业生涯中制作过Hip-Hop、House、新学院Funk、(非字面)EDM等类型的跳舞音乐,其中多首成为榜单热曲。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo是一个西班牙人,但在德国长大,所以当我们问起Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo的国籍或“来自地区”时会得到不同的答案。尽管笔者已经关注Plastik Funk的Instagram(IG)和Twitter(推特)有一段时间了,但不得不承认,2022年才是Plastik Funk“迅猛发育”的质变转折点。

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

2021年Plastik Funk与DJ Mag百大DJ榜单的采访中提到他接下来一段时间有超过60场全球巡演计划,从那个时候开始,他的个人巡演贴上了该榜单的Logo;2022年夏季Plastik Funk的行程更是充分体现了“不是在演出,就是在演出的路上”这句老话的价值。于是,我们通过一些渠道联系了Plastik Funk,并对他发起了一次中国特别采访!

图片来自DJ Mag百大DJ 图片版权属于原主

⒈你好Plastik Funk!你还记得你上次来中国的时候发生了什么有趣的事情吗?(Do you remember your last time in China, anything interesting happened?)

我上次的中国巡演在2020年1月。那是一次体验很棒的巡演,在中国的许多城市落地。但也是从这个时候起,我们逐渐听说了Covid病毒(尤其是第一批Covid)蔓延开至全世界的消息。(My last time I was touring in China was January 2020. It was an amazing tour with many shows all around china. But it was also the time when we heard more and more about COVID and the First Covid cases around the world.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒉在那次中国巡演的时候你Zui爱什么食物?以及你Zui想念的演出城市是哪里?(What’s your favorite food when you were touring in China, which city do you miss the most?)

我爱上了北京烤鸭,太好吃了!!!我在中国的许多城市都演出过,但我觉得给我留下了Zui大印象、联系以及我与大多数朋友相处Zui久的地方是北京,所以我Zui想念的地方应该就是北京。(I just love Beijing Duck in Beijing, it’s so good!!! And I many cities in china, but I think my strongest connection, the city where I spent the most time with most of my Chinese friends and partners is Beijing. So I’m defenetly missing Beijing a lot.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒊据我(笔者个人)所了解,你的音乐在Revealed、Spinnin'、FHM等一流厂牌都发布过。你可以推荐一下你在各个厂牌发布的代表作吗?(You’ve been releasing so many bangers on big labels such as Revealed/Spinnin/FHM etc. Could you recommend one song on each label that represents you the most?)


我个人认为的三首代表作分别是在Spinnin'发布的《Nervo & Plastik Funk ft. Tim Morrison - Dare Me》;在Revealed发布的《Plastik Funk & Esox - Can’t Help It》;在FHM发布的《Plastik Funk & Greg Dela - Magnets》

(I’m feeling blessed that my music gets signed by some of the best labels in the world and it makes me so happy to see the massive support of my music.
3 songs which represent the Plastik Funk sound:
- Spinnin: Nervo & Plastik Funk ft Tim Morrison - “dare me”
- Revealed: Plastik Funk & Esox - “Can’t help it”
- FHM: Plastik Funk & Greg dela - “Magnets”)

Dare Me
Funk Master
Can't Help It
Plastik Funk;ESOX
Plastik Funk;Greg Dela;Nazzereene

⒋Zui近几个月你一直在环球巡演,有什么事情让你印象颇为深刻吗?(You’ve been touring around the world for the past few months, is there anything or anywhere impressed you?)

自从Covid Yi Qing在部分地区解禁之后发生以来一切都变得十分特别!我的演出开始出现惊人的观众数量。人们为自己回归音乐节现场而感到兴奋,他们开始庆祝自己能够重新聚在线下玩耍,这使派对有了更加特别的氛围!!!(The time after COVID is super special! I’m impressed to see the amazing energy at all my shows. People are so happy to be back at festivals and to be able to hang out all together again, which gives every party a special vibe!!!)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒌现在中国出现了很多冉冉升起的制作人之星,未来你有打算与某一位中国制作人合作吗?(There are a lot of rising Chinese producers, would you like to collab with someone in the future?)

是的,这里出现了很多才华横溢的DJ兼制作人们。在过去几年,我经常在中国巡演,而且还在One Third俱乐部驻场过,所以我认识了很多中国的DJ朋友。现在我正在与两名中国艺人合作。把中国的人才带到世界去是非常重要的。我一直也在鼓励我的中国艺人朋友们,跟我把演出带到欧洲去。一段时间之后我会官宣我与中国艺人的合作事项。(Yes there is many really talented DJs & Producers. I have many Chinese DJ friends from my tours the last years and especially because of my residency at one third. I have 2 collabs with Chinese artists in the making. It’s important to show the world the amazing talents from china. I always tried to support my Chinese artist friends and I’m happy I was able to bring some of them also to Europe for some nice shows. Will announce my collabs with the Chinese artists very soon.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒍不知不觉之间,我们已经结束了2022年一半的时光。就目前为止,你感觉今年怎么样?且今年我们对你的音乐还能有多大的期望空间?(We're halfway through the year, how do you feel about this year so far? How much more music are we expecting from you this year?)

今年真的是很棒的一年!!!(因为海外许多国家、地区已经解禁的原因)我在今年度过了Zui为繁忙和疯狂的夏天。现在的我得以在非常多的音乐节和夏季场地演出。仅在今年7月我们(团队)就有超过23场表演,八月也会像七月一样行程满满。(This year is absolutely amazing!!! I think it’s one of my craziest and busiest summers ever. Playing so many festivals and summer destinations. We did 23 shows only in July and August will be like this too.)

音乐(制作)方面嘛,今年大家也可以继续期待!我已经准备好了几首新曲目,现在(加起来)都已经可以合并成两张专辑了。所以接下来,每个月至少会发布一首新的单曲,八月份至少会发布两首单曲。You can expect a looooot of more music from me this year! I have so many tracks ready, I could do 2 albums right now. So it will be at least 1 real ease every month, in august I’m releasing actually 2 tracks.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

⒎你有什么想跟中国乐迷粉丝、电音爱好者们说的话吗?(Would you like to say something to fans in China? )

我非常想念我的中国粉丝、观众,现在我已经两年没有去中国演出了,我迫不及待地想再次“回”到中国与你们共同缔造一场又一场伟大的表演!!!你们的每次支持都给予了我的惊喜(和鼓励),谢谢你们喜爱我的音乐作品,也非常感谢、期望你们能够在DJ Mag(百大DJ)榜单上为我投上一票。(I miss my Chinese fans so much, it’s been 2 years now and I can’t wait to come back to have great shows with all of you again!!! Your support is amazing, thanks for all the love I’m getting for my music and also thank you so much for all the Votes for the DJ Mag list.)

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主

在成为新一任“DJ Mag百大DJ巡演赢家”的同时,Plastik Funk还进驻了国内的多个社交媒体、流媒体平台。现在,我们可以到下列“坐标”收听他的音乐、留意他的演出并关注他!

图片来自Plastik Funk 图片版权属于原主


文章日期:2022-08-08 20:00